Well and truly launched

The Zubaan anthology had its second little event yesterday at the Habitat Centre and is now floating out there in the real world. I enjoyed reading a chunk of Broadband and the Bookslut yesterday, particularly because I just finished writing a second story in the series the day before yesterday. Otherwise by now Broadband has been around long enough to begin looking very dull and alien to me. Right about now is when I would start getting a sheepish expression everytime I looked at it or someone mentioned it. Or worse, feel that I didn't write it at all and this is all a strange dream.

Being part of a writing group is really working for me. The group meets once every fortnight and has some of the most interesting and motivated writers I have ever met. I have attended three meetings so far and I continue to be startled at the quality of writing and the quality of critique. I read the new story The Singer and the Prince in the group on Monday and was deeply satisfied by the nature of the responses. I wonder whether I am jinxing it but I suspect not. Fear of public ridicule is always such good motivation. So *deep breath* I hope to finish the nine stories of the series by June 22. Two down. Seven to go.


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