Tales from catalogues

As many of you know (since I can't stop talking about it) some of my writing is beginning to see the light of day this year. Here are some advance notices.

The first is a story in this anthology by Zubaan. Drafts of this story (a nerdy romance) has been floating about for months, even on this blog. I will be glad to see it finally in print. I am also quite excited about the historical murder mystery in the collection.  The book will be launched in Delhi in the second week of March.

The second story is appearing in a Puffin anthology of short stories for children. This evening I heard that the anthology will appear in April. More about that soon.

An amazing number of acquaintances have books coming out this month. Annie Zaidi (who I met for the first time on Monday) has a book of poetry out this week. Meena Kandasamy, hot young poet, translator and editor of The Dalit, has her book out this month. The launch is in Bangalore.  Brinda Charry's second book will appear  in bookshelves in March. All this is very exciting, yes? No?...Ah well. I am happy.


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